Thank you

Thanks you for using Lamba Africa, We are very happy to do this work for you.

By using this platform or other ones for learning an African language, you are encouraging us for continuing working on this project, we thank you for this.

This platform aims to promote dialog between African people, also it aims for teaching African language through modern IT technology


We need data, our platform use translated data for teaching language, adding data can be done by everyone, however very few people do it.

Financial help

We have a few issue with online payment, So anyone who want to sent us a contribution, can do it on :

  • Orange and MTN Cameroon Money: with the numbers +237655157793 or +237 652292378, The name that should appear will be Pimi Njomkam Yvan Cabrel.

  • Write us on Whatsapp or by email( for any payment on other platform.

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